Wednesday, 12 November 2008

"....Fables of Forgotten Things in Sci Fi Now."

Issue 21 of Sci Fi Now features an interview with yours truly about Fables in an article called 'the Great British Fantasy'.

Fantasy's the right word because, for half a heartbeat, I got excited about the fact that technically technically TECHNICALLY there's a connection between me and Summer Glau (my favourite female Terminator played by an actress called Summer in the first two seasons of a show called Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles) but then my wife reminded me that it's really a just a connection between a publicity still reproduced on a glossy cover and some obscure text thirty odd pages on that happens to carry my name. A connection that exists only by virtue of the fact that both things are part of the same publication.

In a frank but necessary conversation, she also pointed out that the other people in the magazine have not suddenly become my friends. Apparently, just because two people might be mentioned in articles in the same publication, they don't necessarily know each other and may never actually meet in proper three dimensional life which is where we are now, you see?