Wednesday, 1 October 2014

"....Breathe's festival run continues."

Behind the scenes on 'Breathe.'
As Winter begins to whisper, this seems like a good time to give an update on the progress of our ghost story 'Breathe.'

The film is haunting its way round the world at the Lund International Fantastic Film Festival , Brest Short Film Festival  and the Leeds International Film Festival.

Starring Josef Altin ('Game of Thrones'), Orion Ben ('Call the Midwife') and Jack North ('In the Flesh'), 'Breathe' is an old school supernatural chiller about an apparition that can only be seen when you hold your breath. The longer you hold your breath, the more defined the apparition becomes and...well, why don't you take a deep breath and find out for yourself? 

When making the film, we were determined to keep digital theatrics to a minimum and tell the story with as many in-camera techniques and practical effects as possible. We want our ghost stories to be true to the spirit of the many remarkable television films from the 60s and 70s, not least Nigel Kneale's 'The Stone Tape' and the elegant, unearthly work of Lawrence Gordon Clark. Even within the limits of 4 by 3 aspect ratios, low resolution video and non existent budgets, these films prove that suggesting an idea is always more powerful than showing it.

We've been so thrilled with the success of 'Breathe' that we're already planning a follow-up, a long cherished M.R. James adaptation that will be even more terrifying. In the meantime, here are a few behind the scenes images from the shoot....

Orion Ben prepares for a take in 'Breathe.'

Toby Meakins directs Jack North and Josef Altin in 'Breathe.'

Orion Ben between takes in 'Breathe.'

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

"...coming this Winter to BBC One: World War Three, 1980s melancholy and Wham!"

detail of the secret nuclear bunker

map of the uk from the secret nuclear bunker

training manual: preparation for the end of the world


transmission codes

dead technology deep beneath the essex countryside

Bungalow in Essex

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

"....Lot 254 is a VIMEO Staff Pick"

As recently endorsed by the director of  'the Exorcist' and 'the French Connection' (I know, right?), my long-time collaborator Toby Meakins' award-winning, festival slaughtering, nerve-shredding short film 'Lot 254' is now a VIMEO Staff Pick.

Although the short was developed from an idea of mine, Toby wrote (and, as usual, directed) this one all by himself and I am so proud to have even the tiniest connection to it. So much so that I insisted we make a new short together right after seeing it ('Breathe', part of the wonderful BFI Gothic season and playing festivals near you throughout this year, folks).

Please donate two and a half minutes of your life to this mini masterclass in suspense and terror. You won't regret it.

Watch 'Lot 254', VIMEO Staff Pick.