Tuesday, 24 November 2015

"....we partied like it was 1640."

Well that's a wrap for The Musketeers Series III! It's been an extraordinary eighteen months and we're very proud of the show we've made which not only pushes the existing characters to their very limits  but also introduces many exciting new ones. There are also several new elements this year, not least the slums of Paris and the sense that Paris itself is very much a character in the show.

The Musketeers Series III is due to transmit on BBC One at some point in the late Spring/early Summer so look out for clips, interviews, images and trailers nearer that time.

Until then...

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

".....Ed McCardie's Spotless debuts in America to amazing reviews."

Ed McCardie's brilliant 'Spotless' has launched in America to extraordinary reviews. It was such a privilege to be a part of Ed's team on this show. I wrote Episode 8 (directed by the wonderful Luke Watson) and love both it and the show dearly. Here are just a few of the things American critics are saying about the first episode: 

'Esquire finds a winner with first scripted drama 'Spotless' 
Bethonie Butler, The Washington Post

'This is memorable TV....Spotless is a story of family, how the past cements certain things and sets others adrift; we build ourselves, then, out of substance and absence.'
Mary McNamara, The LA Times

'A bloody good crime clean-up tale from Esquire'
Brian Moylan, The Guardian

'Spotless is a smart take on TV's anti-hero trend.'
Heidi Patalano, The Wrap

'Spotless is great fun. Intelligent, well-written and beautifully photographed, it has a remarkably sharp satirical edge.'
Tirdad Derakhshani, The Philadelphia Inquirer

If you're in the States, you can watch Episode One of Spotless on the Esquire Network

Spotless continues at 10pm, Saturday nights on Esquire.....

Sunday, 15 November 2015

".....the Magic Mile turns 15!"

We'd been out of university for a couple of years when we made this award-winning short film on Camber Sands over three cold and gloomy days in November 2000. Shot on 16mm, the Magic Mile stars the brilliant Louise Dumayne and Anthony Wise - who many might recognise as the 'Get in the back of the van!' policeman from Withnail and I. Looking back at it now, the film is innocent, hopeful and yet unavoidably old and distant.  As I watch it I feel terribly proud but also a little sad at the passing of the years....

You can also catch it on VIMEO if you prefer.