Monday 20 June 2016

"....The Musketeers 3.3 deleted scenes!" (SPOILER WARNING)

For those who've watched The Musketeers Episode Three 'Brothers in Arms' this might be interesting (or it might not!)

In the aftermath of the Red Guard's climactic attack on Christophe's Tavern, we had a scene where Constance returns to the Garrison with Brujon and her other cadets.

Marcheaux, still furious from his defeat, waits until Constance is alone and then tries to attack her only for our brilliant Chatelaine of the Garrison to outwit him once more.

We filmed this scene and for a long time it was in the finished episode. Both Tamla and Matt were amazing but we ended up cutting it because we felt Constance had already enjoyed a triumphant moment over Marcheaux ('You're no man, are you?') in the earlier scene.

Another scene we filmed but decided to remove in the early edit was a late moment between Christophe and Sylvie, where he's decided to turn his grief into something positive...